8:00am: Mike gives Matthew either grape tomatoes or grapes (both organic)
8:45am: Matthew eats an egg fried in olive oil while Mike and I just down some Good Earth decaf Chai tea
10:30am: Matthew declines Edward & Son Original Brown Rice Snap Vegetable crackers
11:45am: Going on a trend of horribly unhealthy eating for us, we go to the local deli. Matthew has tuna this is undoubtedly loaded with soy between the broth the tuna is poached in and the mayo the deli uses. Plus the bagel stick he wanted it on. He drinks his own white grape juice box (365 brand organic). I eat tuna with lettuce, tomato and some vinegar on a roll, coffee with the damn white sugar again and a bottle of water. I have a wicked craving for fried food and get a side of fries--stoked in corn/soy oil I know it, but Matthew doesn't even want any. Noticed that the deli bought a new container of the organic ketchup.
Matthew falls asleep en route to his "Rhythm & Rhyme" class and gets to sleep a total of 10 minutes.
2:15pm: we leave Matthew's class and he eats peeled baby carrots that I bought yesterday.
4:45pm: Upon request for food, I lay out grape tomatoes for Matthew and eat them myself since he found a way to turn the TV on (we watch close to no tv here--so this is an event). In the interest of trying to get back into cooking dinner (Mike's done it for a few years now) I let him watch TV and cook the london broil that's been marinated in olive oil, white vinegar, ginger, onion and garlic. I broil it and of course, I burn one side and cook it too long. I steamed the organic cauliflower that was in the fridge and baked some steak fries I bought at Whole Foods the other day but for my life don't remember the brand.
After dinner, we usually have something sweet. Tonight it was the organic green seedless grapes.
Of course, it's now 8:12pm and I'm hankerin' for something completely unhealthy. If I'm not mistaken, Mike has a package of Yodels above the fridge.
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